Social Security (SS): Declaration of paid income and withholdings, social and health contributions, and contributions (dependent work), for the previous month.
Social Security (SS) - Payment: Payment of Social Security contributions.
Communication of invoice elements: Communication of invoice elements and other fiscally relevant documents or the Communication of the non-issuance of documents - referring to the previous month.
IRS / IRC: Monthly Declaration of Remuneration to the Tax Authority (AT).
IRS / IRC: Sending the declaration and payment of the IRS and IRC withheld in the payment or making available of the income, referring to the previous month.
IS (Ste Tax) - Declaration and Payment: Delivery of the Monthly Declaration of stamp duty and its payment.
VAT Summary Statement - Monthly: Sending a monthly summary statement for the previous month.
IRC / IRS - Model 30: Submission of the Model 30 Declaration of the income paid or made available to non-resident taxable persons in the month of June 2023.
IMI: Payment of IMI (Municipal Property Tax) - More than €500.
IRS: Payment of the IRS for the previous year.
IUC- Payment of the Single Circulation Tax: The deadline for settlement, of the IUC, for vehicles whose anniversary of registration occurs this month.
If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us. Inlis Consulting